
Does biotin for hair growth really work?

👉 What is biotin used for:           Biotin is vitamin B7.It is one of the water soluble,  which means human body didn't Store this types of vitamin.  for example-if you eat some carbohydrates food or                 anything,When   it breaks it converts to if you eat some    vitamin B or B 7  related food ,it will help to convert this nutrition to   energy . 👉  Biotin dosage:      Everyday human body required 300Mcg vitamin b6 or b or biotin. Which u can find this type of vitamins in            egg,peanuts,walnut,milk like that.if you didn't take this type of food in your daily life u can take biotin supplements but only 300 Mcg u can take.It will give result 3 to 5 months. 👉   does biotin for hair growth really work?      For hair growth you didn't need only Biotin or vitamin b or b6...

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